When it comes to getting ranked on Google, we all know the basics of targeting keywords and including these keywords throughout the posts. The thing is, the basics are not enough to help you achieve your goal of making an authoritative blog. Reaching your full potential online will require a lot of effort. So if you want to know how to improve a website ranking then I will detail two important things to consider.
1. Content is King when it comes to search rankings. When it comes to targeting keywords it is important to know where to include your content. The main keyword should be in the title and the first paragraph of the article if possible. You should also include keywords you are targeting in Headings throughout the article, meta descriptions, and meta titles.
When creating content, it is also important to create articles with at least more than 500 words, and having over a 1,000 will improve a post rankings. Providing images and including alt tags with keywords you are targeting will help as well.
2. Backlinks- Getting backlinks to your site is very important for establishing authority in your niche. If you have the money, you can pay for backlinks on a site like outreachfrog.com and blow by the competition. The thing is that using such a method for getting backlinks is very expensive. 1 quality link can run you anywhere from $550 and up, and you will need more than 1 quality backlink to give your website some authority.
Passive Ways for Link Building
1. Guest Blogging- Guest Blogging is a content marketing and SEO strategy in which you can publish a blog post on a third party website to promote your personal brand.
Benefits of Guest Blogging
- Instant Exposure to Targeted Traffic
- Expand Your Personal Network
- Increase Social Media Shares
- Grow Your Social Media Following
- Improve Your Online Authority
- Build Your Backlink Profile
- Enhance Brand Awareness
- Get Quality Leads
- Get Useful Feedback from the Community
Guest Blogging can be an effective strategy for getting backlinks, but I have found a better way to passively build backlinks to your website. I must also advise that before partaking in guest blogging you should be selective on sites you choose for doing so.
2. Help a Reporter Out- Help a reporter out connects journalists and news reporters with sources to provide them with quality information for publishing their upcoming articles. Unlike most platforms where you have to go looking around to build backlinks, these reporters come to you for information.
There are a variety of niches that you can choose for answering questions, and of course, it is best to stick with your niche if you want leads to turn into conversions. The different categories of questions you can answer to make it likely that you will have a decent amount of knowledge to provide quality information to the journalists on a particular subject.
When Should You Start Looking into Getting Backlinks to Your Website?
Before building a backlinking strategy, the most important part is to take a self-critical view of your content. When building backlinks, sites have the option of providing a do not follow or follow the link to your website. While do not follow links can improve your traffic, it will not improve your rankings in the search engines.
Backlinks are basically like getting a respected and authoritative site like Forbes to recommend following your site. If you want quality do-follow backlinks from sites like that then you will want to make sure your content is up to par. I would also recommend having a lot of content and posts on your website along with the site being 8-12 months old before worrying about backlinks.
Now when it comes to backlinks that can hurt your rankings, spam sites that have do-follow links to your website will cause such a negative effect. As you become more experienced when it comes to monitoring what sites are linking to yours, it will come a time to go to Google Webmaster and fix issues you may have regarding backlinks. Google Search console has a disavow tool for inputting URLS that website owners do not want Google to consider when ranking their website.
My Recommendations on How To Improve Website Rankings
I recommend following these two strategies and also looking into Traffic Travis. It can be downloaded for free, and while there might be a price to upgrade and get the features to help build a backlinking strategy, they provide more extensive information on the subject than what is detailed in the article.
I must mention that there are chances you already have backlinks and do not know about it. You should also look into https://neilpatel.com/ for a free backlink checker. Neil Patel is an experienced internet marketer who provides a lot of valuable content to help online marketers succeed online.
For a cheap solution for auditing your website, you should also order Ahrefs 7 day trial for $7 and dedicate a week to analyzing your website and improving the health of the site. By doing an audit and crawling for errors, you will see the exact things you need to work on for improving your website’s domain authority. If you suspect spammy websites are linking to yours, go to Google’s search console to fix the issue.
If you have any questions or advice for improving search rankings within Google, feel free to leave a comment in the section below.
Hello there, thanks for sharing this awesome article I know it would definitely be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me…I must say you really did a great job piling these two search engines….never knew google ranked them before, now I know I would start making use of them
Your welcome I am glad this helps you with your goal of being successful online. Wish you the Best!
I wouldn’t deny the credibility and the efficacy of this. Honestly, I can only admit to this that I really appreciate you for helping other business owners like me that have been struggling to get the recognition from google sinc. This post is really great and has covered virtually everything I needed to get running. Thanks
No problem I am glad this will help you with your endeavors!
Starting as an affiliate snarketer, I understand the big importance of having my website ranked on big search engines like Google. Being able to read a tip that can help me to that is very priceless. One thing that I understand really well is content because I do understand that content is king but I do not reaalaly get the idea with the backlink thing.
Hello There, thank you for taking your time to compile and share this informative and resourceful article. This article is centered on Google top 2 search engine rankings factor. I now have full knowledge of how to get ranked in Google. I would love to share this post across various platforms. Thank you. God bless
Thankyou for the support and God Bless You as Well!
I have recently started my blog (during the pandemic) and I already knew that I would not achieve good rankings immediately, but I have started to research to see if I have been doing something wrong or have been missing thing. And sure enough, after reading your post, I realize that I should start Guest Blogging. Thank you very much for this suggestion.
Your welcome I am glad you found the article useful!
Thank you so much for sharing with us a beautiful and informative article. The main content of this article is Google’s Top Two Search Engine Ranking Factors. It is truly remarkable that you have presented this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of knowledge about it. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like Passive Ways for Link Building. I think backlinks play an important role in ranking my website.
Finally, I read your article 4g and learned how important backlinks are in bringing a website top ranking so I would like to share this backlink article in my Facebook group if you allow me your article.
Of course you can share we all need the support to help our business grow!
Search engines tea really good for business if you know how to make use of it and I must say its beme really helpful to me in my business although I have a mentor who puts me through and we both get results from it. Google ranking, on the other hand, can either make you do better or gets you sad but ist better you see it as a me a for you to get something down about the business
Here is good education how to get ranked in Google high.
Writing a high quality content helping people with their problems by appropriately choosing right long tail key work helps.
The back linking helps. You have recommended traffic Travis that I was not aware of and will try.
Thank you for your help.
Your welcome I am glad this will help you!
Very good tips for ranking. Good content and high-quality backlinks are always important factors to improve the ranking of a website. I find the most interesting point from your article is to help a reporter out for link building. I never think about this way for link building. It is interesting and innovative. I think I should look into this further. Thank you for sharing.
Your Welcome and yes you should definitely help a reporter out.
Thank you for the informative article on top search engine factors. I had never thought of using guest post to build backlinks, so that is a very good suggestion.
I know that having back links on a website is good for ranking in search engines, but it is not that easy to get good backlinks to a fairly new website. I will be having a closer look at your recommendations.
To get rank on Google, below that I usually did:
– writing useful and informative content (around minimum 1,500 words long)
– don’t put keywords spamming in your article
– write regular content
– optimize the targeted keyword (use the keyword tool) to select the competition keywords
– analyze your keyword regularly through google search console
Hello Max, thanks for such a motivational article packed with valuable information. I’m fairly new in the blogging field, so learning about guest blogging, for example, was very helpful. Also, I’ve ever heard of ‘Help a Reporter Out’ and I think it’s a brilliant concept. I’ve also checked out Traffic Travis and from the reviews, they seem to be a great option for improving a site’s SEO. But above all, I appreciate your reminder of the most important thing – quality content building and not expecting instant gratification, for example by stuffing our posts with keywords or affiliate links. Many thanks again for your great post!
Your welcome I am glad you enjoyed the article and when you do have more content on your site you will want to look into link building.
I completely agree with your Google’s top two search engine ranking factors. I for myself, strive to write high-quality content that is informative and viewer oriented.
Writing for a search engine is a major mistake that many newbie bloggers do, I think a blogger should follow quality information not the money especially when starting up.
As for link building, I tend to be getting natural links and I always keep an eye on Google search console to see if I have any low-quality links. If I see any, I always disavow them to avoid losing my high rankings.
Hi Max, am grateful this post provided me the tools I need to help me improve my ranking in google. It is exactly what I needed on my site, I like the use of quality content and backlinks in your article, surely it improves google recognition. I have done that and continue to do it and the results are amazing.
Thanks Max
This is great content and thanks you for sharing this. I am a big fan of authority building and your list of passive link building strategies is a must-read and take home for me. I am sure anyone reading this will say the same.
You are good at this and I am glad I ran into this article. I have been building content for years myself self but some of the tips you provided here are surely an eye-opener.
Your expanded benefits of guest blogging are very vital especially the build your backlink profile, enhancing brand awareness, getting quality leads, and engaging with your community vis quality feedbacks.
I will be implementing these strategies right away.
Thank-you for the compliment I Wish you Much Success!
Golden info Max, thanks!
I’ve heard about backlinks but have always been doubtful about implementing though I have heard many stories of successful blogs using backlinks as well. Is there a certain number limit of backlinks that a website should have? Or can I just add as many backlinks as I please
Top websites have 100 backlinks or more.
This is a great article. The information is so timely, and I am sure it will benefit many who are struggling with getting their sites ranked and getting traffic to their sites. It can be very frustrating when you think you are doing everything right, notice I said “you think” yet you see no movement either way. This article will certainly help me, and other business owners take a step back to see where we need devote our time and energy for a more successful experience. Thank you for sharing.
No problem, I am glad this information proved valuable to you!
Thanks for the great insight and helpful information on building an authoritative website. It’s a great reminder that content is king! And of course, quality content, relevant content is what is needed. Although I’ve heard conflicting information regarding backlinks, I understand that when it is done right it can have a positive effect on our website traffic and ranking and when it’s not done correctly can do the opposite. You explained that well and it makes total sense. Just going out and trying to execute massive, not-well-though-out plans when acquiring backlinks could backfire as you stated,
Thanks for the reminders!
Your Welcome and Best of Luck to You for Building Your Online Business!
How are outreachfrog guestposting, Traffic Travis and help a reporter out when it comes to Googles web master Guidelines of linkschemes? Ranking can be affected if any of these violates the guidelines – even guestblogging in larger scale. Where do you draw the lines here? It is not so easy to know. If you make a backlink strategy with the intent to rank that is a violation according to Google. How should a starter relate to all this and what are legit and not legit ways ogf getting backlinks?
A legit way to do it is to help a reporter out, be selective on who you guest blog for, and download traffic themes to analyze your competition and where they are getting their backlinks to rank high on google.
I am extremely happy to have found your article it’s very helpful although I was thought here on wealthy affiliate about blogging I just felt like your article made it real and achievable and no doubt content is very important for google ranking, thank you so much for this article ☺️
Your Welcome and Best of Luck with Your Blog!
Great information on the different factors on google rankings. What’s the easiest way to get backlinks ? I know I’ve focused more on the content and other aspects such as social media. Is there an average cost for using back links ? I think this is the one area that I could work on to help increase rankings. Out of the two factors mentioned, which do you think google considers more, or are they of equal importance ?
They are of equal importance and the easiest way to get backlinks is to help a reporter out.
I was incredibly impressed by this site. It provided interesting and concise information. I checked out most of the linked material was fun to check out and I spent a lot of time reading. I learned a great amount of info. I’m going to check out this site again. Thank you!
I am glad you enjoyed the site and I will do my best to keep providing valuable information.
Very precise and informative, refreshingly different. I am forever researching on how to improve google rankings and most sites say basically the same not so helpful things. I like the idea of back linking and it makes absolute sense because let’s face it content alone does not achieve the required results in good time. I will definitely look into HARO it seems interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Your Welcome I am glad to provide you with something different for increasing your chances for online success!
This is a good post on how to get more traffic to your site. I think I will need more detailed information before I can master this skill. I am still confused about backlinks, guest blogging, and helping a reporter out. Perhaps wealthy affiliate has something on this. These methods would definitely bring more traffic onto your site. Traffic Travis looks like another good site. I still think content is still the most important thing to bring traffic to your site.
Thank you for your post on how to rank in Google. I am learning more about backlinks all the time. I know of those who get guest bloggers Connecting journalists and news reporters with a place to publish their work is an interesting concept. You need a good quality website with lots of quality content to attract backlinks. I would hesitate to put out a lot of money to purchase backlinks.
Each step in online marketing has its’ time and place. Your information about the importance of the content definitely hits home. Google has to realize you are there and your content creditable. The backlinks are important as well. Being able to have a few suggestions for getting your information where and when you need it is important. I do think that when new business builders start out, they tend to get overwhelmed and having the information presented in a different manner as you have done with your article about Content and Back Link marketing helps. The main thing is to keep on adding more information and building a step at a time. Thank you for taking on this part of marketing and explaining it’s importance.
Your Welcome I am glad the content gave you clarity for the actions you should take for online marketing.
Thank you for this article I have been struggling on how to get backlinks but your post really help me to understand please keep writing these great post and I thank you again for this and in my opinion, you made it quite easy to understand and you showed were to go if you don’t have a lot of funds
I will definitely do my part to keep providing valuable information to help online marketers succeed!
I have never thought of guest blogging before to help my personal brand! These are great tips! I can see where the benefits rank and truly no cons. Especially with the social media ramp-ups and quality leads. I’m convinced! Haha, onward to planning! Thank you for this refreshing information 🙂
I’ve signed up to Traffic Travis, this seems like a really decent resource, both for the free and premium versions!
I hadn’t considered the worth of backlinks until I read this, thank you for the guidance.
What I’ve learned from this is that I’ve got much more to learn, even if much of this is currently inaccessible right now.
Thanks for the awesome content!
Your welcome and I appreciate your support!
I think for people with online businesses, most especially affiliate marketing that I’m very familiar with, getting ranked by Google is very important as it places you above many others and brings you closer to people first. The two strategies you suggested are definitely gonna be helpful, it’s good that I came across this.
Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here, I am sure this site will be of help to anyone who come across it as its helping me at the moment. Though this is actually the first time I am hearing of guest blogging. but I like the fact that it proves feed back directly from the Community.
Thanks for sharing this with me.
No problem I am glad to share my knowledge with the WA community!
As you said, Content is king, that being said, Content must also educate in a manner that is helpful and relevant. You have done just that with this article. I learned so much about back-links that has made me go back and review my blogs and do a SEO check on my back-links to make sure that I did not have any. Thanks to you, I found that I had 27 and am now resolving the issue. Thanks for a very informative, helpful article.
No problem. I just found out that I have some low-quality backlinks that may be hurting my rankings after getting this comment.