Here is a list of some of the best magazine subscriptions for men in 2021.
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Men’s Health offers a lifestyle magazine with advice for men that want to stay in shape. This popular magazine provides quality information for fitness & daily activities for maintaining good health.
Muscular Development is written by doctors and specialists in this field to provide scientific information on sports, nutrition & training- written. Each issue has information on training regimens & nutritional supplements that will help you build a stronger, healthier body & perform at your best
This popular magazine focuses on men’s fashion, style, and culture. Featured articles on food, movies, fitness, sex, music, travel, sports, technology, and books are also featured
Esquire is special not a fashion magazine for men, not a health magazine for men, not a money magazine for men. … It is, and has been for nearly seventy years, a magazine about the interests, the curiosity, the passions, of men
Slam is the best magazine for basketball fanatics. SLAM magazine covers basketball from every angle and at every level — playground ball through the pros
Pro Football Weekly Magazine features the best coverage in the NFL. This recognized authority on pro football provides game previews, feature columns by top sportswriters, inside information, award-winning columns and features, and complete statistics.
Popular Mechanics is a magazine of popular science and technology, featuring automotive, home, outdoor, electronics, science, do-it-yourself, and technology topics. Military topics, aviation, and transportation of all types, space, tools, and gadgets are featured.
American Frontiersman is an outdoor magazine about learning the tools that are neccessary to survive in the outskirts of modern civilization. The articles provide valuable tips and guides that helped early American colonists move westward across the United States.
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