Looking to build a website of your own? Fortunately, there are plenty of options to create a money-making blog or build a website to increase brand awareness for a business or client. As you contemplate joining the internet business community, a consensus details how 50% of people will be working from home in the near future. The truth of the matter is that most people are tired of their 9-5 job and want some freedom so they can indulge in meaningful activities like traveling and having more time with their significant other.
What you need to Know About Building A Blog
Setting up a blog is a surefire way of establishing a passive income as it takes less to invest in as opposed to other business ideas you may think about getting involved in.
In striving to build a passive income within other ventures such as network marketing or selling Life Insurance, Blogging has Proven to Be the Best! There are plenty of ways to make money as a blogger and unlike multi-level marketing, it is not necessary to build a downline for success.
You are in control of your own destiny and it would be a great feeling to put in the hard work and see positive results…As the saying goes, anything in life worth having you have to work for. When you create a blog and start earning a passive income it becomes one of those feel-good things that you look back on, realize the work you put in, and take the time to enjoy success by living your best life.
How to Create a Blog
When it comes to creating a blog, you must decide a niche you want to write about. A fatal mistake beginners make is diving into a niche that is not profitable. The most profitable niches to blog about is detailed in the list below.
- Health and Fitness
- Personal Finance
- Beauty & Fashion
- Lifestyle
- Business and Marketing
- Technology and Gaming
- Travel
- Food & Drinks
- Diy & Home Improvement
- Motivation/ Inspiration
Some niches go hand and hand such as Food & Travel & Lifestyle… or Personal Finance & Marketing, or Health & Fitness & Beauty… or well you get the picture.
If you choose to build a blog, WordPress is the most powerful website builder to accomplish that. WordPress is a free software, so all you have to pay for is a hosting platform for building your site.
Now anyone can create a blog but it takes work and dedication. There are plenty of free options for building a free website and blogging that is also detailed on this site. You can check out different reviews of some of the top website builders on the market by looking through the top menu. The thing is that having the mindset of” if I build it they will come” is not going to work if you want to make money blogging.
How to Make Money Blogging
There are different ways to make money blogging. Below will provide details of the best ways to monetize a blog.
- Google Adsense/Mediavine– Google places ads on your site that you can make money on based on the number of impressions and clicks the ads get from your site. Mediavine is a different platform that places ads on your sites and provides higher CPC(cost per click) rates than Google. It is recommended to start off with Google Ads first. There are different platforms besides this that will pay you for placing ads on your site, but these are the top two.
- Affiliate Marketing– Affiliate marketing allows you to place links on your site and you will get a commission every time someone clicks on a link and proceed to buy something. A lot of the things we look up for information comes from blogging websites. The opportunities to make money are limitless with affiliate marketing because almost everyone comes to the internet for information. You can provide useful articles and become an affiliate to almost any brand or product that has ever been made. You can get a commission promoting air conditioners, beds, health and fitness products, travel, etc.
- Ebooks-As you advance in your journey to making money online, you can publish an ebook. Ebook serves two purposes 1. You can give it away for free to encourage people to subscribe to your newsletter. That strategy provides you with someone you can always market to in the future. 2. You can sell your ebook for as much as you want and if the information is that good then people will buy. You must be reasonable though as good practices will result in good karma.
- Create your Own Digital Products- This is a little advanced and it would be best to become an affiliate before trying to have affiliates working for you. But if you have a great idea for a digital product then I would recommend you check out Clickbank University.
- Traffic– Simply put, if you have a store with no customers your not gonna make money. There are a variety of ways to get traffic to your blog, but the first step is to build one first. As you gain experience within internet marketing you will accumulate a lot of knowledge for getting traffic to your blog.
Having a state of the art hosting platform is also essential for building your website. These 5 important aspects of a website make the difference between a progressive site and one that is failing.
(1) Speed & Load Time
(2) Professional Design & Look
(3) Easy to Navigate
(4) Uses a CMS (Content Management System)
(5) Quality website content
These 5 things will lead to a profitable website that can be the backbone of your business or a full-time income with a personal blog. There are systems in place to simplify the process. I recommend WordPress (you can build a FREE WordPress website RIGHT NOW and join one of the best communities for bloggers helping each other grow.
Join the Wealthy Affiliate WordPress Blogging Community-$49 a month (most recommended and comes with FREE TRAINING Before Making a Full Commitment)

Free Training at Wealthy Affiliate Includes:
- Understanding How to Make Money Online
- Choosing a Niche( if you are not promoting a business or your own brand)
- Building Your Own Niche Website
- Setting up Your Website
- Getting Your Site Ready for Search Engines
- Creating Your Initial Website Content
- Creating Custom Menus on Your Website
- Understanding Keywords, the Start of Your Content
The Importance of WordPress, a true Content Management System (CMS)
If you have not heard of WordPress, it is the world’s most highly used website framework.
Years ago you would manually have to build a site coding HTML by hand which can only be done with some degree of knowledge in programming. We don’t have to worry about that anymore and as a result, anyone can build a website, and succeed with an online business. Technological barriers have been completely removed because of Content Management Systems like WordPress.
Benefits of Using WordPress.
- Very easy to install and set-up
- No HTML, no code, no need for some advanced knowledge
- Over 1,400 different website templates to choose from
- One-click install over 10,000 “add on” features and website functionality
- Lots of support and help within the community
WordPress is my choice and it is the framework I use to build my websites and has been for the last 3 years.
Now my number 1 question to you is have you ever went to sleep and woke up with more money in your account than the night before on a consistent basis? For some reason that has always been my goal in life as opposed to living a life working for someone until retiring at an old age. This is the secret to some of the most successful entrepreneurs like Warren Buffet.
Now in building a website, there are two different ways to go about it. You can create a blog like this website to make money, or you can build an eCommerce website that is equivalent to an online store for promoting and selling products you may have.
As the content on this page is geared primarily to building a website through blogging:
Click Here if You want to Learn How to Build an Online Store with an Ecommerce Website.
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