Younique is a multi level marketing company that has been in operation since 2012. If you have come to this page then there is a chance that you have been approached by a family member or friend in regards to an amazing business opportunity to earn money marketing beauty products.
Younique Review
Based in Lehi, Utah, Younique is a multi level marketing company was founded by Derek Maxfield and his sister Melanie Huscroft. Before starting Younique, Derek had over 12 years of experience developing software for direct selling companies.
Derek’s passion is to make a simplified digital experience in a traditional sales environment by teaching how to promote their brand on social media and virtual parties instead of traditional home parties.
Younique leveraged Melanie’s experience in advertising, art, marketing, purchasing, and sales as well as her knowledge for fashion and beauty. Melanie’s hand of help is tied into the visual identity of Younique’s brand, from website and catalog design to packaging.
To become a Younique distributor, you must pay $99-$199 depending on whether you choose the Standard, Artist, or Premium Presenter Kit.
All Presenter Kits come with a variety of products and will also include your “personalized” Younique website. As a Younique distributor, you’re also required to sell a minimum of $125 worth of products over a 3 month period.
Most MLM compensation plans are confusing and hard to understand, but fortunately Younique is a little more transparent than other companies within Network Marketing. For details on their compensation plan, you can check out the video below from a member of Younique.
Younique Pros
- Training for how to promote products on social media
- Fast Payouts
- Affordable to Join
Social Media Training-With training on how to promote their products on social media, Younique has taken a progressive step in their marketing strategies compared to most MLMs. In learning how to market their brand on Instagram or Facebook, you will have a wider audience to reach out to instead of throwing home parties and relying on friends and family to sign up.
Younique has set up private Facebook groups for members in different countries to exchange ideas and share stories.
There are also FB groups made for brand-new members who have just signed up.
Having a community to support you in your endeavors can be extremely helpful.
Fast Payouts
Commissions will be transferred to your debit card within 3 hours of someone purchasing an item through your personalized website.
Younique Cons
- Competition
- Must recruit to earn a decent income
- Customer Service
There are now more than a million Younique members which is growing every day.
They’re all trying to promote the same products and company on social media.
You’ll need to be more creative as time goes on if you’re gonna stand out from other members on FB and Instagram. The irony of it is that you must recruit the competition in order to make a decent income yourself.
There is no network marketing company that I have reviewed in which members can make a decent living just from selling their products. The likelihood of being profitable from selling products without recruiting is very low.
In researching Younique, their customer service also seems to be lacking which you can look into their reviews from the Better Business Bureau..
Younique is one of the better MLMs to consider joining, but I would not recommend this business opportunity due to the low success rate for members that join.
The simple fact of the matter is that it is not easy to become successful within multi-level marketing and a majority of distributors will fail. Even though you are giving some modern day training to promote their brand on social media, you are limited to just promoting Younique’s products. Affiliate marketing provides the chance to market almost anything and make a commission.
Even after selling their products and investing in their starter kits to do so, you still don’t earn the exact profit for which it is valued. I don’t like the fact that Network Marketing companies usually base their compensation on a value of points. If you are going to invest in a product to resell, it should become your product so you can have the ability to market it however you want and gauge your own profit.
There is no need to invest in most products in order to promote them as an affiliate marketer, so if you want to increase your chance to make a passive income and change your life for the better…
Click Here for a list of ways to make money online or…
Click Here for My Number 1 recommended business opportunity to make money online.
If you have any experience or have used any of Younique’s products, feel free to leave a comment in the section below
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