Plexus Worldwide Review: Quick Summary
Name: Plexus Worldwide
Description: Plexus Worldwide is a network market company that focuses on health and wellness. It doesn't cost much to become an ambassador and enjoy discounts on their products. Getting involved with their business opportunity seems affordable as well. Although this may be one of the better MLMs to consider joining, it still costs a bit to maintain membership. Without any marketing skills, most people fail to succeed as these companies tell you to recruit friends and family.
Price: $99-$209
Is Plexus Wprldwide a Pyramid Scheme?
I wouldn’t label Plexus Worldwide a Pyramid Scheme, but their business model is set up in similar aspects. This is not a company I would recommend joining, and the health and wellness industry is saturated with competition. It seems like almost every business I review is marketing protein powders, skincare, or weight loss products.
- Accredited A+ rating from the BBB
- History in Business
- Money-Back Guarantee on Products
- A Free Replicated Website
- Low Success Rate
- Training
- Expensive Products
- Monthly Sales Quota
- Competitive Market
Plexus Worldwide is a multi-level marketing company established in 2006.
As this company specializes in promoting health and wellness products, you may have stumbled on this page because a family member or friend recommended you to join and referred to it as being a GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!!!
The truth of the matter is that you have been presented with this opportunity by someone you know because the best chance to earn an income within Plexus comes from recruiting others to join.
That fact leads to all MLM companies being labeled as pyramid schemes, but I will not label Plexus Worldwide as such. That is due to the fact that it is possible to make an income from selling their products.
So to know whether or not this business opportunity is right for you, this post will provide full details on what is Plexus about and all it has to offer. I must share the fact that I am in no way associated with the company and I am in a position to share this review due to past experience with another MLM company called World Ventures.
In striving to make a passive income in the past with World Ventures and other past business failures, internet marketing has proven to be a success and is the best way to go about marketing products and services.
MLM companies will turn you into that annoying friend that harasses everyone you come across to join or buy your products.
It’s a known fact that there is a low success rate for members within Multi-Level Marketing Businesses and if you consider joining it would be in your best interest to learn everything you can regarding marketing online to reach a wider audience instead of being limited to the people in your circle.
If you want to learn how to make money online for the best chance of establishing a passive income and live a more free lifestyle, subscribe and get weekly content and a free 7-day course for making money online.
Now it’s time to get to the review of Plexus and see if it’s the right opportunity for you.
What is Plexus Worldwide About?
Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, Plexus was founded by Alfred Pettersen and CEO Tarl Robinson. Both had previous experience with network marketing and were interested in starting their own company. However, when Plexus was first established it didn’t have a winning product to help the business grow. In originally promoting and selling breast cream, it was not a successful venture until switching over to the weight loss category.
You can enroll as an ambassador for $19.95 and enjoy up to 25% discounts on Plexus’s products. For those interested in the business opportunity, there are a variety of welcome packs that can be purchased at up to a 50% discount.
The price of these welcome packs ranges between only $99 and $209. However, to keep getting their packs at such a discount and maintain membership, reps must make $100 in monthly sales.
MLM companies usually have a compensation plan that is complex and difficult to understand. They claim that there are 11 ways to earn, but everything is based on recruitment and sales. From the sales and people referred to your referrals sales and people they refer.
In reviewing Plexus’s compensation plan, first, you must make $100 in monthly sales to be eligible to earn. You will qualify to make 15% commissions on everything sold after that. If you sell $500 worth of products in a month then your commissions will jump to 25%.
There are also commissions and bonuses members recieve from recruiting others and referring people to become a preferred customer.
For those that become a preferred customer at $19.95, you will earn a bonus along with commissions every time a person makes a purchase from thereon.
For people recruited that buy a welcome pack, 1/2 the price of the welcome pack is paid out to you and your upline. The person that directly recruited someone will receive the bulk at 25%. You can also earn up to 5% commissions on the sales of recruited members.
These are some basic details on how to get paid with Plexus Worldwide, but for a more thorough review you can check out the video below.
You should not stress trying to wrap your head around all the details regarding their compensation plan.
I simply say that because the success rate in these kinds of businesses is like 1 in a 1,000, maybe lower. The majority of network marketers fail to ever achieve such high rankings.
Plexus Products
Plexus offers a variety of health and wellness products which can be seen in the image below.

These products are pricey and there are other top-notch brands offering similar products that cost a lot less. This price comparison of body creams offered from Plexus Worldwide and Sephora will illustrate that statement.

As being 3x more expensive than a popular brand like Sephora isn’t bad enough, Plexus body cream in the image is for 3 fl oz while Sephora is 6.76 fl oz.
Pros of Joining Plexus Worldwide
- Accredited A+ rating from the BBB
- History in Business
- Money-Back Guarantee on Products
- A Free Replicated Website
With an A+rating from the BBB, Plexus worldwide seems to be an MLM company with better morals than others. It is also a good thing that they have been in business since 2006. Some MLM companies fail in the first few years because of constant scrutiny and lawsuits that might accrue due to bad business practices.
There is also a 60-day money-back guarantee for consumers interested in trying their product. Although the free replicated website you receive is listed as a pro, it will prove useless without some knowledge to drive traffic there.
Cons of Joining Plexus Worldwide
- Low Success Rate
- Training
- Expensive Products
- Monthly Sales Quota
- Competitive Market
When it comes to training on promoting and selling products, Plexus Worldwide has the same problem as most multi-level marketing businesses. The problem members face when joining these companies is that you are lead to believe the opportunity presented is GREAT and STAND OUT from the REST and HOW AMAZING it would be to INTRODUCE this to your FRIENDS and FAMILY!!!
Plexus Worldwide training methods are a big part of why most people fail, but then again these kinds of businesses are not set up for a majority to succeed. If you are an owner of any business, especially nowadays with the Covid situation, you need to know how to MARKET ONLINE.
I’m not sure of the major selling point to their wellness products offered like body creams and lotions, but it is an indication of the cost of Plexus Worldwide products altogether. Their weight loss items may be exceptionally higher than competitors which will not make it an easy sale. Speaking of competitors, the health and wellness industry is saturated as there seems to be a new company every day offering products for weight loss.
There was a reference to the cost to join and stay an active member in the membership section of the article. As detailed before, to keep getting their packs at a discount, reps must make $100 in monthly sales.
What tends to happen is that marketers will end up buying back the products at retail value if they fail to reach the sales quota. Failure to make $100 in sales repeatedly will lead to marketers becoming their own best customer or quitting altogether. As if things are not bad enough, you will not even get paid for making $100 in sales as you are only eligible for commissions after reaching the sales quota.
Plexus is not a pyramid scheme as it is one of the better MLMs to consider joining.
However, most multi-level marketing methods of teaching members to recruit family and friends can ruin a relationship. It’s a fact that a lot of people that join these kinds of businesses lose thousands of dollars. Chances of this happening are low with Plexus Worldwide since prices are affordable to join, but their monthly sales quota can add up to a thousand or more over time.
There are some newer network marketing companies that understand the importance of marketing online and will teach you some social media strategies to promote their brand.
Plexus does not offer such teachings to give you advanced knowledge in regards to that. This is not a business opportunity I would recommend, but if the person that signs you up really knows what they are doing and can provide you some real training then it might work out.
With that said, there are plenty of opportunities to make an income online which will require less work and can eventually replace your day job.
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Now that you know what is Plexus about I wish you the Best of Luck In Your Business Endeavors.
If you have any experience with Plexus Worldwide or have used any of their products feel free to leave a comment in the section below.
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